
Ken McNaught

Ken McNaught

Ken McNaught

Date of Birth:4th December 1958
Born (town/city):Eastbourne
Living (town/city):Wakefield
Occupation: I.T. Consultant & Web Site Developer
Joined Band:1997 (player since December 1999)
Position in Band:Percussionist
Other instruments: 
Official post held: Nov 2001 - Nov: 2005 Chairman
Nov 2007 - Current: Vice Chairman
Oct 1998 - Current: WebMaster for this site
Also Uniform Secretary and Odd-job man!
Musical achievements:  Managing to get into the Band without being able to read music very well!

I first became involved in the Band in the summer of 1997 when my son, Alan, joined them. I began to assist in several behind the scenes activities, and was often seen by the audiences to our concerts as I became the greeter at the entrance.

Towards the end of 1998 I took over the running of this web site. It started off as a rather small afair, but over time it has grown into the site you see today. I try to keep it up to date with dates of future events and also reports of previous concerts. I also try to add sections to the site from time to time to keep up the interest of regular visitors. If you have any comments about this site, have any ideas for new items or find any errors or broken links in the site <shock/horror!>, then please email me with your suggestions and/or comments. If you enjoy the site, why not leave a message on our comments page for inclusion in the guest book.

In 1999, the Band wished to perform several pieces for their Christmas Concerts which required multiple percussionists. They temporarily gained a new percussionist, but he later left the area with his family. Despite not being able to read music, I offered my services to try and learn a couple of these pieces, just to tide them over the Christmas period. But having now joined the performing section of the Band, they won't let me go! So I have been performing with them since December 1999. My ability to read music is still leaves a lot to be desired, though, even after all this time. I'm completely shown up by all these talented musicians around me; most of whom are much younger than I am.

Between November 2001 and November 2005, I held the post of Chairman for the Band, standing down when work commitments kept me away from the area. I became vice chairman in 2007 as I am back working nearer home at present.