Booking Form

Online Booking Form

Thank you for your booking request. You should have been directed to this page following an initial contact with the Band. If you have not contacted the Band first, please do not complete the form at this time. Rather, you should contact the Band Secretary as a first step. Thank you.

Please complete as much of the following form as appropriate for your event. If you have any queries or questions about completing this form, please contact the Band Secretary. (If you have any questions about the musical content for your event, then please get in touch with our Musical Director, ) When all relevant information has been completed, press the button at the bottom of the form, which will inform the Band Secretary by email.

KCB Booking Form

Date(s) of Event:
Time(s) of Event:
Number and Duration of Sessions:
Venue Name and Address:



Post Code:

Your Name:
Your Address:



Post Code:

Contact number(s):Day: Evening:
Your Email address:
Organisation Status:
Private Charity Company
Religious Fund Raising
Any Special Arrangements:

e.g. Event style/content, Oompah band, Noteability, travel arrangements, trailer access, etc.

Will there be:
Access and Parking for Trailer:
Parking for Band Members:
Chairs for the Band:
Adequate Lighting:
13-Amp Socket Available:
Wheelchair Access:
Refreshments Available:
When you have completed the form,
To clear all the fields in the form,

Please be assured that any information supplied above will be treated with the strictest of confidence. Knottingley Concert Brass do not pass on any information to other parties whatsoever, for any reason.